Photo by Alastair Pollock

Photo by Alastair Pollock

To purchase my preset packs for SURGE, VITAL, MONOLIT, ALPHA, and SYNTH ONE, or to download my app, Practice Pal, or my Max for Live devices, please click here.

I love synthesizers! My fascination with digital wind instruments goes back almost a decade. Recently, I’ve been particularly interested in integrating these instruments with software like Ableton, MainStage, and Max/MSP. Not one to be limited by hardware, I’m perhaps best known for my janky, (yet effective) modifications to the EWI 5000, to which I added an LPD8 and a Wii Remote to facilitate greater expressive control over my sounds and FX in a live setting. These days, I mostly play the NuRAD, a beautiful MIDI controller created by Berglund Instruments.


Berglund Instruments NuRAD
Akai EWI 5000
Yamaha WX-5
Electrospit Tubeless Talkbox

Ableton Live 12 Suite
MainStage 3

Too many to list! Click here for a comprehensive list of my favourite softsynths for digital wind instruments.

Check out my YouTube channel for some videos of my playing.